Innovation Process
The Innovation Process is our approach for managing ideas from “Concept to Completion” through a combination of best practice tools and techniques in innovation management, training and consulting combined with our web-enabled InnovX™ platform is used by successful companies worldwide. In other parts of a business this approach would be generically known as Project Management.
Everyone likes to have a good idea, but somebody has to take it from the generic concept through to successful implementation. This includes everything from assessing an idea’s feasibility and creating a detailed business case, to developing the concept further and ultimately to piloting and implementing it. All good processes should, of course, have a feedback loop whereby the organisation learns from its successes and failures.

An Innovation Process should be:
- End-to-End. Covering every part of the innovation process from generating ideas in the first instance through to the implementation of projects or products in the operational part of the organisation.
- Best Practice. All parts of the process should radiate excellence! We have an extensive library of tools and techniques garnered from hears of working with great companies.
- Cross-Functional. Everyone should be able to contribute to innovation within a business. An innovation process should touch upon everyone’s role.
- Risk Assessed. Effectively integrating Risk Management into all Innovation activities.
We here at Innovation Leaders have years of experience of creating best in class business processes and helping you pilot them until they become second nature and part of the way you work. Contact us to find out how we can fine tune or create your own bespoke Innovation Process.